When WiFi Isn’t Enough: Cellular Internet Options For Your Boat

When WiFi Isn’t Enough: Cellular Internet Options For Your Boat

WiFi extenders are common upgrades for cruising boats.  They improve the connection to shore-based WiFi networks while a boat is in port.  There are several WiFi extenders on the market that vary from a DIY approach to a fully plug-and-play solution.  Popular DIY...
Posting to Facebook via Satellite is..  Dead, Broken, Kaput!

Posting to Facebook via Satellite is..  Dead, Broken, Kaput!

As of August 1st, 2018 Facebook implemented new changes to their API to limit ability for 3rd party applications to post to Facebook walls and pages.  As a result, posting to your wall or page from Globalstar SPOT and SPOTX, Garmin InReach, Iridium Go!, and Xgate Mail...
How To Get Login Codes Without Cell Service

How To Get Login Codes Without Cell Service

Our banks, our social media, and even our blogs are increasingly requiring a special code – called two-factor authorization – to log in.  Usually, they’ll send this code via a text to our cell phone.  But what happens when a cruiser doesn’t...
Staying Connected While Cruising – Workarounds and Secret Tricks

Staying Connected While Cruising – Workarounds and Secret Tricks

Okay, so we’ve covered our experience so far, and some major tips on how to limit usage in the first place.  But of course if you are trying to stay in touch with friends and family, managing a blog and/or Facebook page, or trying to maintain a Vlog on YouTube (good...
Richard Anderson Presents Communications For Cruisers at Pacific Sail!

Richard Anderson Presents Communications For Cruisers at Pacific Sail!

Richard Anderson is speaking at the 2018 Pacific Sail and Power Boat show in Richmond, CA.   Come to the Craneway Seminar Pavilion at 3:30pm on Saturday April 21st, 2017.  Attendees will participate in a discussion of the “patchwork quilt” concept of using different...